Hair Restoration

Hair Restoration

What is Hair Restoration?

An individual's hair can create a first and lasting impression. Although hair can appear like a small detail in the overall scheme of things, it's natural to make judgments based on how someone colors or styles their hair or how much or how little hair they may have. So when someone begins losing their hair, it can be pretty upsetting. For men and women, baldness is often hard to accept. Fortunately, with all the innovative advances available today in the hair restoration industry, your hair loss may be controlled, reversed, and in many cases, restored. American Fork, UT medical director Aaron Paxman has treated patients from early hair thinning to late-stage baldness by providing personalized, patient-specific hair restoration treatments, like microchanneling, allowing for the best cosmetically pleasing outcomes.

What are the benefits of Hair Restoration?

Thinning hair or bald spots can lower your self-esteem and interfere with your quality of life. Hair restoration at NuVida Med Aesthetics & Wellness in American Fork, UT offers many benefits, including:

  • Nonsurgical and minimally invasive therapy
  • Boost self-esteem and confidence
  • Stimulate new hair growth
  • Minimize existing hair loss
  • Increase blood supply to the hair follicles

How Does Hair Restoration Work?

Recent advances in medical and surgical treatments and technologies have made it feasible for both women and men to slow hair loss, reverse, and revive it. NuVida Aesthetics & Wellness provides advanced nonsurgical treatments, such as microchanneling, to help those with thinning hair to restore lost hair and boost their confidence. Hair restoration with microchanneling uses fine needles to create hundreds of tiny microchannels deep in the scalp to stimulate the healing process and promote follicle production. Most patients require 3 – 6 treatments for optimal results.

Photo of an older man with nice hair sailing while a woman watches over his shoulder

Hair Restoration Reviews

Get In Touch

    Stop Hair Loss

    If you are suffering from slow or rapid hair loss and your hair thinning is becoming noticeable, or you are experiencing balding that you would like to address with new hair growth, we invite you to contact NuVida Aesthetics & Wellness now. American Fork, UT medical director Aaron Paxman will compile an extensive hair loss and medical history and complete a hair and scalp analysis, allowing him to provide you with an accurate diagnosis so that a personalized treatment plan can be created to address your specific needs.



    Hair Restoration FAQs

    Does stress cause hair loss?

    Yes, stress may be associated with hair loss. If a woman or man has continued stress, it triggers heightened production of cortisol which may harm the regular hair growth phases. Our team at NUVIDA Med Aesthetics And Wellness can detect the root of your hair loss, regardless of whether it is stress or something else. Our team has various options to reduce hair loss at our American Fork, UT facility.

    How much hair loss is typical?

    t's normal to lose 50 to 100 strands of hair a day. That being said, when you're losing more than 150 hairs per day, it may signify a health problem. One of our seasoned professionals at NUVIDA Med Aesthetics And Wellness in American Fork, UT can assess your condition and determine whether your hair loss justifies any grounds for worry.

    How can I prevent hair loss?

    For a few men and women, hair loss might be prevented after they make certain diet and lifestyle modifications. These involve:

    • Alleviate your stress
    • Stay away from having tight braids or ponytails
    • Steer clear of harsh styling methods, such as applying high-heat
    • Get decent sleep
    • Take supplements every day (including Vitamins A, B, C, D, and E, plus zinc and iron)
    • Consume more protein
    • Follow the Mediterranean diet

    *Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.